TEL +55 11 98171 9781

Rua Bela Cintra, 282, cj 25 - São Paulo/SP
Ilhabela - SP

For legal reasons, the house’s ground-ceiling distance could not exceed 8 meters, and the sloping site made it difficult to define the building footprint.

In order to adapt the project to the topography, we created two connected offset volumes that measure 7x7x7 m each. They include the floors, the terraces and the large free spaces that provide ventilation from all sides.

The structure has clear forms, with horizontal and vertical axes at every 3.5 meters.

The living area is located on the top floor of the higher box and can be accessed from the street through a paved walkway that leads to the living space. This volume can also be accessed from the garage, on the lower floor, where we used the street slope to make the car access easier. In this case, people enter the house through the utility room.

The suites are in the lower box, which is located 3.5 m below the other and allows an equally enjoyable view of the landscape to everyone.

AREA: 280 m²


comprehensive architectural design

civil construction


gustavo viana (architect)-co-author

benedictis-structural analysis

zamaro-building services engineering

octavio lopes (engineer)-civil construction

fábio viana (engineer)-civil construction


eduardo pozella/ eduardo costa