TEL +55 11 98171 9781

Rua Bela Cintra, 282, cj 25 - São Paulo/SP
Campos do Jordão - SP

The first premise for the TCJ house was to keep the existing native vegetation. We designed a plateau with a deck and a garden so we could occupy the full extension of the site (65 m). The maximum amount of cut and fill was based on the limit of the native vegetation.

The second premise was to create a sense of complete immersion in the landscape without compromising privacy. We designed three concrete volumes to frame and filter the dominant transparency of the ground floor.

The third premise was to ensure the house’s integration into the surrounding nature. All materials are exposed according to their characteristics: concrete frames and encloses, wood keeps the feet and bedrooms warm, and glass integrates.

The cut and fill volumes and the retaining walls form a 90-degree angle that is also present in the land itself. To transform this heavy visual element into visual lightness, we designed a suspended volume that also forms a 90-degree angle. This enclosed space provides privacy for the inhabitants and creates a space for placing the non-pressurized water tank above the house.

BUILT AREA: 350 m²


comprehensive architectural design

construction supervision


benedictis-structural analysis

sandretec-building services engineering

gilberto franco-lighting design


emilio farah


leonardo finotti